New Parents: Keeping the Passion

Having a baby will no doubt take its toll on your relationship. Your hormones have been all over the place during the pregnancy and the whole ordeal has probably meant you and your partner have seen each other in the worst possible of lights. It is however important to remember that you have also seen each other at your most caring and supportive too.
With the birth over, you will be tired but there are still long sleepless nights and busy days ahead. There will be times when you feel like giving up and the stress and fatigue can ruin weaker relationships. But yours is strong, so let’s keep it that way.
With so many relationships ending in divorce these days, it is important to take a little time to be romantic with your partner. This can be hard as your baby will be keeping you busy, but it isn’t impossible. Here are a few simple ideas:
- Flirting- Simple flirting can really help partners rekindle a bit of passion. It is easy and subtle, so can be done when your baby is around. Some parents even send flirtacious messages throughout the day to keep things exciting.
- Showering- Once you put the little one down to sleep take a shower together. You will shower anyway, so it doesn’t eat into your already busy schedule. It is a fun and relaxing way to rekindle some passion.
- Home dating- Remember that you don’t have to go out to date. Grab a bottle of wine and a DVD and just snuggle. Lovely!
- Get a sitter- Every now and then, get a baby-sitter in and just go out for dinner. Treat yourself to a fancy meal and even book a nearby hotel for the night.
- Exchange a massage– Grab some oil and some scented candles, put on some music and take it turns to have a nice massage. It is relaxing and will help you and your partner explore each other’s bodies once more.
- Talk- Of course you will disagree. There is a lot more responsibility now, so talk things through when you feel things are unfair or you are upset. Don’t wait until you are ready to scream, just discuss feelings like adults.
- Tell your partner you love them- So easy and yet so easily forgotten. It may seem silly and you may think they know but sometimes we just want to hear it. Even men!
- Find new common interests- You no doubt have many things in common. That’s why you are together in the first place; so find some new ones and follow them.
- Have a day off- Take it in turns to have days off. Okay you won’t be together but the time off from each other and the baby will help you both to relax and create a healthy relationship.
- Accept- Your life has changed. Deal with it! You knew what having a baby would do to your life and instead of wondering where the passion has gone, find new ways to love.