Role Play- Beach Edition

We are lucky enough to have a big sand pit at our kindergarten so it is almost like being at the beach already but if you haven’t you can do your best to make your play imaginative. We decided to let the children dress up for their trip and didn’t they look cool?



The umbrella was an extra touch and, being in Thailand, it came as a welcome escape from the Sun.


We bought some extra beach toys and packed our bags in the classroom, before setting out the chairs in the style of a bus and driving to the beach. We talked about all the different things we might see on the way and how we felt. Role play is so important for language development. The children were excited that they had arrived!



The trip was also a good opportunity to learn how to share and help each other, especially with that imaginative sun cream on the lower back! We also learnt about other things at the beach and described what we might hear or feel and even taste. The children built structures, overlapping with our Design and Technology topics and money was introduced to buy imaginary ice (sand)  cream.




We didn’t get to go swimming but the children at least got a chance to fish.
